We today “reap the benefits of public services built by previous generations” and corporate leaders “more willing to pay taxes”. But what will we be passing on to future generations?[1] Across Western society, “in the name of austerity, we put off investments critical to our future. We also put off the maintenance of our existing…

Leadership is vital to making sense of the rapidly changing business environment that organizations find themselves in today.  Business sectors across the world – including the legal industry – are experiencing accelerated disruptions and unprecedented strategic challenges as a result of new technologies, digitalization,[1] new entrants and business models, globalization, intensifying competition and an unpredictable…

Current international tax law and its underlying principles are no longer grounded in the reality of today’s economics, digital business models and the global economy, undermining common sense and promoting widespread corporate tax avoidance. The result? Countries across the world compromised in their ability to fund the public goods of modern societies, and their citizens…

The profession of law is demanding. Our jobs are chronically stressful and involve long hours. A lot rides on our success and behaviour, and this pressure only increases as lawyers rise in their profession in both law firms and in-house legal departments. During my years as a lawyer – as an associate and as a…

Organizations across the board[1] are hemmed in by heightened volatility, shifting economic and political realities, evolving competition and technology, and a world of increasing complexity, uncertainty, and rapid change – dynamics that collectively mean that organizations must adapt and restructure, and do so more frequently, more thoroughly, and faster than ever before[2]:[3] “In today’s environment…

In today’s environment there are accelerated disruptions occurring in many industries as a result of new technologies,[1] new entrants, new business models, and globalization. Leaders must be able to adapt to the increasingly complex nature of the challenges to their industries – whether that be the legal industry,[2] healthcare,[3] or financial services,[4] etc.[5] – and…

Societies are undone in many ways, not all of them obvious. We tend to think of decline along economic lines, but it is a nation’s culture – particularly in terms of civility, public discourse, and the robust open exchange of diverse ideas and perspectives[1] – that determines its societal credentials. Among any nation’s most precious…

For companies, geopolitical risk is fundamentally about the probability that a political action or environment will significantly affect their business – whether positively or negatively.[1] In this context, the next decade will be a period of political uncertainty across the globe. Business leaders can expect to face daunting leadership and strategic challenges amid the turbulence and…

From Volkswagen’s DieselGate to Wells Fargo’s banking scandal,[1] the breadth and nature of high-profile corporate[2] and government[3] scandals and well-publicized corruption is staggering. Headlines aside, ethical misconduct is hardly uncommon today – nearly half of all fraud cases are not publicly reported[4] and over 40% of executives surveyed in a recent study said “they could…