Despite recent developments and initiatives striving to protect and promote long-term corporate strategy and sustainable value creation,[1] short-term perspectives still predominate throughout the investment value chain and dominate decisions in boardrooms.[2] It is troubling how deeply the short-term mindset has permeated corporate culture across the globe. The markets relentless demand for profit growth on a quarterly…

There was a time the American  –  Canadian, UK, and Australian  –  dream was built on the ideal that hard work leads to success. Today, with the rise of technology, the message has become: work all the time or you will fail.[1] The legal culture – in particular law firm culture – encourages workaholic behaviors,[2]…

Until relatively recently, throughout the world, legal services have by law only been delivered to the consumer by traditional law firms that are wholly owned and controlled by lawyers.[1] With the goal of modernizing the delivery of legal services and encouraging competition, reducing prices, and spurring innovation,[2]  the UK, Australia and other countries have dropped…

Legal professional privilege exists in most jurisdictions across the world. However, the scope, application, and nature of the protections afforded to legal professional privilege and confidentiality of communications vary widely. Because of the shared origins and many similarities between the legal systems of the UK, the U.S., Canada and Australia, there tends to be a…

Practicing with integrity in an in-house position, whether in the private or public sector, has always required special skill; but along with the advantages of the insider’s perspective come particular challenges. The fact of having one client — the corporation or the government[1] — means that an in-house lawyer is particularly vulnerable when there is…

The lack of integrity (actual or perceived) in public office and the private boardroom is a critical reason we are now experiencing what has been described as a crisis in leadership[1] and trust.[2] A deficiency of trust is indexed as the number one problem confronted by business and political leaders today. According to several studies,…

It is difficult to imagine a worst case scenario than United Airlines’ now infamous conduct on April 9, 2017, that permitted a 69 year old doctor named David Dao – under United Airlines care and control as a boarded and seated passenger – to be assaulted, bloodied, and dragged from its overbooked airplane with a…

The legal profession around the world is in a period of major – even transformational – change.[1] The global market for corporate legal services has become increasingly competitive. In this legal environment we are seeing the world’s largest accounting firms offering legal services (outside of the U.S.) to mid to large, national, and multinational corporate…

Our society assigns important powers and responsibilities to the members of its judiciary.  Apart from the traditional role of an arbiter which settles disputes and adjudicates between the rights of the parties, in Canada judges are also responsible for preserving the balance of constitutional powers between the two levels of government in our federal state. …

Populism may be the most important force in global politics today. Within this new geopolitical environment, leaders in Canada, the U.S., the UK, Europe, and Australia, among others, face challenges of extraordinary scale and complexity, and confront some of society’s most critical issues both at home and abroad – the economy (economic insecurity, globalization, technology…